Monday, November 22, 2010

And I thought I was done with zombies...

That is, until "The Walking Dead" came along.

I'd long been a fan of the Kirkman comic series (Collected in trades. Yes, I'm one of THOSE comic readers.), but had long ago burned myself out on zombies on film.

Damn you AMC, for changing that.

The TV series, "Walking Dead" is simply a bit of televisual perfection as far as I'm concerned. It's a balance of familiar TV tropes, comfortable character protrayals, and the otherwise unremarkable banality of regular-joe characters that is beautifully thrown into sharp contrast against the backdrop of the zombie-infected world in which these characters live.

It is survival fiction done well. It is survival fiction that works very hard to make us understand the human side of staying alive at all costs.

Like I said, awesome stuff. "Lost" can go sit in a corner and be forgotten now.

After watching epidose four last night, I discovered that my zombie love is rising once again. The flames of zombie fan-boy-ish-ness have been fanned into life by watching it executed so skillfully by Darabont et al.

And ya know what? I think it's time for me to share OUR humble little zombie effort once again (and I DO mean humble - we love our little zombie hobby film).

So with that in mind, I give you our own little slice of zombie survival horror: "Bum of the Dead".


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